Sunday, January 6, 2008

Ok, today we're going to discuss Operation: Marijuana for the Masses. If you've read my myspace,, you understand the basics. Let's get to the nitty gritty. Dr. Kief Reefer is in the house.

Operation: Marijuana for the Masses

Briefing- As has been the case throughout the 1990s, the overwhelming majority of those charged with marijuana violations in 2006 -- 738,915 Americans (89 %) -- were for simple possession. The remaining 90,710 individuals were for "sale/manufacture", an FBI category which includes marijuana grown for personal use or purely medical purposes. These new FBI statistics indicate that one marijuana smoker is arrested every 38 seconds in America. Taken together, the total number of marijuana arrests for 2006 far exceeded the combined number of arrests for violent crimes, including murder, manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault. In the last decade, 6.5 million Americans have been arrested on marijuana charges, a greater number than the entire populations of Alaska, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming combined. (Thank you for the statistics).

Order- To germinate all free seeds retained from any amount of personal cannabis you might have and to plant them in public places. People ought to see how rediculous the United States has become over a plant, as covered in the briefing. You will NOT plant these with the intent to harvest. You will NOT plant these on private property. Should you be captured by the enemy, our hearts go out to you. You are a true martyr for your people. Let's believe that the public will see our country's hipocrasy and change these laws which bind us in slavery!

To germinate: There are many different methods of germinating, and I will express the simplist of them, including my technique. It requires no special equipment.

You will need:
Seeds- as many as possible
*Water- bottled is best, for tap follow directions
Saucer- a plate. You got it.
Paper towel- about 6 squares standard size.
Plastic Wrap- only for select techniques.

Seeds need three things to germinate. Temperature, Air, and Water.
I. Identifying Seeds
A. Good Seeds
1. A good seed will be dark brown to grey in color. Often they are mottled, or striped. They can be big or small, but should be round and look "juicy". They will withstand squeezing between the thumb and forefinger with a decent level of pressure, don't squeeze too hard even good ones will pop.
B. Bad Seeds
1. A bad seed is much easier to identify than a good one. They will be cracked, flat, light brown to tan if underripe, dark grey to black if overripe. They will pop under slight pressure bettween the fingers.

II. Techniques
A. The Long Bath
1. On a saucer or plate, fold 3 pieces of paper towel over one another. Soak with water to saturation. Places seeds on paper towel. Cover them with 3 more layers and soack that. Tip the plate and let excess water drain. Cover with plastic warp to simulate a green house effect. Check on the paper towel twice a day for wetness. Add water as needed. In 2 to 20 days, all seeds that will germinate have germinated. A small root-like appendage will split the shell. This is the radicle. The moment the radicle is seen, it is ready for planting. Keep the plate in warm temperature, from 70-80 degrees. Do not exceed 80, auxin and hormone levels can be disrupted. Keep it dark, dim lighting may be used, nothing strong.

B.Scratch and Plant
1. Get a large household sized matchbox with a piece of sandpaper in it. shake the seeds in the box for 30 seconds. The outer shell will be slightly scuffed. This allows more water to wick inside the seed. Place on the saucer on top of 1 to 3 layers of paper towel and add water to saturation plus a little extra. Cover with plastic wrap and check water level. The water should reach halfway up the seed, but not cover it, or the seed with literally drown. Remember, seeds need air. Follow the rest of the directions for The Long Bath.

C. My Show
1. I use something similar to The Long Bath. I don't find a need to scuff the seeds. Seeds can attempt to germinate at even 20% humidity, but they will die trying, so keep them dry until ready. Place them in water halfway up the shell with no medium between them and the saucer. Copver with plastic wrap. After one, maximum two days (but still safe), take them out and place them in paper towels. Saturate the paper towels and hang them in a discreet spot where the seeds won't fall out, I like to keep them in my closet on a hanger. With selective seeds I have a germination rate of 85% from imported and/or pressed cannabis. When the radicle appears, plant and walk away!

* Water from a bottle is perfect. I've heard some people choose mineral water, but I have witnessed a difference. With tap, make sure the water sits in an open container for 24 hours to allow to chlorine to dissipate. Early in life, tap water has enough dissolved solids in parts per million to feed the plant for a couple weeks. Fresh tap has chlorine in too high amounts and it's use is discouraged by most growers without letting the chloring evaporate.

Payoff- Once you have selected a location, a public park, a small garden, a campus, in front of a courthouse or police department, whatever, plant your seeds discreetly as you do not want to get caught. Walk away and never intend to harvest. You may visit on occasion to see if it's still there, but do not make your intent obvious. We want many people to see this phenomenon, this plant which is more deadly than all drugs ever known to man and the scourge of the earth, the boon of Satan himself. Certainly the bain of the DEA.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Unfortunately, I have run out of time! I will not be able to detail germinating and planting practices today. Please check by tomorrow, as they will be fully explained. I hope to empower you all with the idealism behind Operation: Marijuana for the Masses. I go to smoke a joint and clean my house. Until tomorrow, goodbye!